What is the mind?

 The Mind is paranormal activity, usually people use this term for any type of unexplainable phenomena that falls outside of the parameters of human experiencesome, but if you ask the question how to explain Mind, then the answer is as simple as paranormal activity in your every daily life.

 The All is Mind, everything is mental. In first steps its difficult to accept that All is Mind, usually there are more questions afterwards. (If so! When I thinking to get more money, nothing getting better in finances, even if i work hard, why? I believe that I can win the lottery but usually I lose, why? If so! I think of better life, why I can’t make it happen? And so on…). People usually have a thought of something great to do or to achieve, but the problem is that they do not release the thought, they stick to it (keep it) and blame others. It sounds easy, but you have to master it. Have made a great thought, release it (Give it to Universe) and work on other thoughts instead of thinking when you going to get that what you made in thought. Whatever you want, there has to be a purpose why and for what reason you need to achieve it. Better way is to think, how you can help other people instead of feeding your ego.

 Everything is possible for each individual, there is no limits, except if there is made agreement on soul level, but actually there are more options for everyone to make their life better. In term BETTER, there are more options for each individual, that lays under question (what is better for who?).

 Let’s start from this side of screen, shall we…

 Here we are as a physical form (HUMAN), we see things, we hear things, we speak things, we touch things and we feal things. Basycly, human is (EGO). Ego, that have physical needs, to evolve and make the life esyer with thees needs, tools, that are made to make dayle bases beter. There are more to say on Ego perspective, but that is on Page (THE EGO).

 Let’s write down bodies and give a numbers to them.

 Nr. 1 Physical Body

 Nr. 2 Thought Body

 Nr. 3 Mind Body

 Nr. 4 Subconscious mind Body

 So we have our Physical body Nr.1, and there we have body Nr.3, the Mind. You are making moves each Day as you know it, but do you know why you are making these moves and who told you to do so? Here are the steps in the Mind what depends on the body Nr.4 Subconscious mind. So Subconscious mind is very important for physical body, he have the fundamental (Fund a mental) information that makes the Mind easier to work with body. In Subconscious mind we have our beliefs, awareness, knowledge and the straight way to life’s purpose. When we born in family with two loving parents or otherwise (there are various situations to mention) we start to grow, physically and mentally. So the parents that have their child are a potential example for a newborn vessel. Why Vessel?, because that child will take his journey on big waves after his childhood. So the parents are teaching their child with all awareness, knowledge and beliefs that they have, but are they right? Yes and No. In centuries people had told things, what is right and what is not, so thats why the belief system is mixed and very old if we look from time perspective. Parents are teaching their children all that works for them and all that they have ever heard from their parents, and so on. Remember, all parents are doing the best for they children. When you are grown up, that’s the time to clean up your Subconscious mind from beliefs that doesn’t serve to you anymore, and you can easy make that straight direction on your life’s purpose, the real purpose of your life. To clean up Subconscious mind, you can start with small things, like writing dawn the messages in daily basis, for your Subconscious mind. It’s important that you are doing it each day, early morning or evening, before bedtime. Better to do it in morning, when your mind is more clear then in evening, because in evening there is so much information after conversations with people in all day long, that changes that you wish to make will flow in between all other information. The Subconscious mind is the processor that have program and it has been uploaded before you came here in physical form. The Program it self has lifetime long, but from childhood it has been filled with all kind of files that are making conflict with the fundamental program files.  So you can write down 21 day or more, but not less, the information for your Subconscious mind, to reprogram or delete old files to trash. There always is a trash can on your computer’s desktop, the same as, nearby your Subconscious mind there is a trash can where you can throw out/delete, or even permanently delete files. IIt’s important to write down the message in Present time (NOW)! As an example (Now I am grateful for the knowledge that I aware from infinite Creator, for the knowledge from my first breath in this world and I release the old beliefs that has served me till now, I believe in one the only truth that comes from infinite Creator). You can moderate your own text if you will. So now we can return to Mind. If the sistem works properly, then your Subconscious mind has focused and aware on real fundamental knowlage and beliefs, you can not be trycked anymore. Why? The Mind usually makes tricks with Thoughts, but the Subconscious mind have the antivirus that you gaved with your message. Friendly body Nr.2 is Thought form. Thoughts are yours and not yours in the daily basis. When your Subconscious mind is aware and clean from old beliefs, then it’s easier to focus on your thoughts. There are human beings that are with you every day and they all are interacting with other humans as well, so one human being says something to other human being what he thinks, or say that he thinks, without any clarity or his own discovery, then this thought form is traveling from one to other humans mind. Remember, you always have a Free Will to get involved in conversations or No. Thats why all humans are responsible for all their actions, there is No one to judge if someone decides to belive or ineract with other mind thoughts.

 So Nr.4 Subconscious mind gives the order to Nr.3 Mind analyze the action he has to make your daily journey interesting. Here comes Nr.2 (Thought) that has been generated with Mind, Feminine and Masculine Alchemy, (Same way as making a baby) in various ways, so basically you have more then one thought at once. Then Nr.1 (Body) have the action to make. Remember there is Other bodies, like Spirit and Soul. When the body has made a move with thought, Soul is watching every move, if the move is totally not aligned with your journey, then there will be a corrections from Soul level and you will feel that.Maybe you have heard that, what first comes to your mind is aligned with your soul, it works, but you have to master it. It is important that you are living Fulfilled life with your purpose, thats why, be aware what you are letting in your Subconscious mind and with who you are interact in daily basis.

 There are more Tcniques that you can use for Subconscious cleaning.

 Work with your self each day, you can find at least 10 to 20 minutes in quiet.


 We are made here in physical form as a Man an Women, if you will discover Mind, you will acknowledge that there are same structure in it. The feminine and masculine energy that is working together.