Has anyone heard that we are living in a Cube? Well, this could be interesting for those who doesn’t heard. For me it was something amazing.

The line you see is the second action in creation. First is individual point of being (The source itself) and then folowing action is creation. In this case there is straith line what makes the first big step to expand, the same as in physical world when new born child is making his first steps, like, opening his eyes and he realize that there is so much to see and dyscover.

 From first steps to the other and so on, there is formed a cube from 12 conected lines, 8 crosing points.  Basecly these lines points are the energy path that has formed for next steps or actions to operate with this uniq creation. Each line and crosing point is uniqe as a separed being (co source) and understands the fundamental meaning of creation. When fundamental work is done there is more to discover and create whitin the creation that has made.


 The source next steps are making diagonals connecting corners in all directions. In this case source is exploring his uniq creation from within and programming every line as a co creator. Now he has 16 line conection in basic, 12 connecting the cube surfaces and 4 connecting corners from within. 12 lines around makes 24 trinangels all around the cube and 4 lines makes 4+4=8 triangles inside of the cube. When its done, it goes on and on, connecting the point of each lines centre and forming the structures in the same shape but different degrees. In every connection there is an individual geometric form that makes uniq every line and finished structure in degree.

 As you can see each time that lines are connecting there has made a new geometric form and you have seen these forms in different places, such as, companies Logos, math classes and even in nature there is sites that makes specific geometric figures depends on vibrations that comes in that area. These all structures and forms are very old and they always were here. The meaning of this is to understand how works your Body, Mind, Spirit. How Body Mind connects through Spirit with Soul or just Mind connects through Spirit with Soul, it depends where you are going and what you are exploring.

 When the crossing lines are finished, the uniq work in transparent mode looks like this. There are more lines that has to be added to finish the cube ( if the cube ware finished with all lines you could see just solid white cube ), but in this case you can see how the structure has been made.

 There is more to come. There are fundamental lines that forms the cube on the same cube structure, or, the same cube, but the line connection forms the cube in the same structure what is interacting the time structure as we know 24 Hours, 7 Days, 52 Weeks, 365/366 Days in year, but when you start to operate with the geometric figures and numbers you will understand that the numbers in the calendar as you know are a little bit different. Inside of cube, the source has made something like engine in the middle. The structured triangle wheels, one Above and one Below of the source center with portal structure Above and Below it can shift whenever, wherever he wants around his structure, (time, space, location) as a Creator he can visit Co Creators in any form of his Creation. This is just one direction as you see, but the portals are navigated on all 6 cube surfaces.

 In this picture you can see how as called densities are formed. As we discovered how is forming the first cube, there was created infinite cubes all connected one by one to expand the oneness of infinite Creator. In picture you can see 6 connected figures, but you can imagine thees figures are infinite and connected around. Thats the explanation of densities that you are living in and your infinite characters/personalities at once in the same time, but different actions. You are shifting thru these densities thru vibrations, (higher or lower) it depends where and what you wish to discover. Sometimes, that’s why people are losing physical things. Higher vibration object is invisible for lower vibration.

 Now goes the tricky part. You have heard that people are often talking about Earth (is it Flat or is it Round). Its both, it depends where you are with your awareness. From one cube surface aspect you are on a round Earth, if you are traveling through all 6 planes of the cube you start to acknowledge that there are differences in human actions, that the same person can be angry and lovely at the same time, it depends on skill how fast you are shifting. If you will look at your eye form in the mirror you will see the simulare form as the cubes one surface with Earth ,that has formed  like the eye pupil and iris and the curved position has made cornea of eye. It makes similarity and the way we see the world.


The curved lines arround the world has formed with the same triangels meshering the hight of pyramid structure that is formed in the cube. So the lines around the world/cube is design by Infinite Creator, as a trajectories for other planets, that also are created in the All. You will ask, how so, the planets are smaller than Earth? The answer is Yes and No. It depends from point of view. there are scientists who are discovering the space, that are smart human beings and they are right in their explorations. If you will look from Sun perspective, (the being who lives on the sun) you will see the same factor traveling in space. Imagine 3 Suns goes arround this structure, you can compare it with an Atom structure. Now you can decide what is right for you.

Now that we have seen the structure, we can connect them all together that makes the beautiful Universe structure in Densities and Dimensions if you will, they are not far from each of other. The Dimensions are the cube structure, it depends how is changing the form of growth in cube (in you) and clarity of connection in awareness, and vibration level in you. Thats the part when human can see the beings that are beyond or, unexplainable. All is here and not, at the same time, all is real and not, it depends whether you like to see it, or believe in it. The same as with Flat or Round Earth.

This last picture on this page is the hexagon grid that connects all Densities. If you imagine to travel through Density it would look like this when connection has made, your willingness and manifestations that are within you and released make this travel real. It connects you with the character in that correct density where the situation and abilities are available. Everything is available to manifest, it depends on the soul level what you have agreed on before you came here, to live hard or easy. However, Soul knows better, if you go sideways, then Soul will give you corrections.