The Vibration is not just a word to describe some moving phenomena, it is also alined with all that is in this World and Universe.
Everything Vibrates, you, your clothes, your physical environment around you, nature and so on. There are Frequencies and Vibrations and those Frequencies can be higher or lower, same is with vibrations they can be higher or lower as well.
Let’s make a examples.
There is environment that is made and has specific frequency and vibration (your Home), you are living in this environment with your specific frequency and vibration. When you as a persona making moves you also have a moves with your Mind that makes Thoughts that aligns with your character Moods. If Frequency and Vibration is high for environment and yours is the same, then you are feeling great and connected. You have heard that there are people who says that there are places that they have been visiting and they did not feel good, that means that there is dismach in Vibrations, with people around or environment it self. When you are making something creative, something that you like, you are creating with higher frequency and vibration, but if you do something that you hate, then you are lowering your Frequency and Vibration. In his way the being is transforming his density (shifting), it depends, higher or lower. If You have a instrument or any physical tool that is known for you and your Mind, that you have it in correct place or standing in your environment, but it suddenly disappears, then you have changed Frequency. There are tools or physical things that you have but they does not align with frequency that you are tapping in, and you are losing things. The same way it can happen with living human being, if you and your friend are in environment with a few more personas with super low Vibrations and if you master how to change your Vibration from normal to super high, you will lose the lower Vibration beings and you will see it physically (same environment but no lower Vibration beings).It can happen on few seconds or even on hours, it depends how long you are on that specific Vibration or even Frequency. The Frequency is more like a plane of level, you can choose as a large building and on each floor there is the same environment, but with differences and Vibration is like your mood which is taping in that specific Frequency (plane of level). The higher Frequency you wish to tap in, the higher Vibration you have to master. There are things around you everywhere, things that you wish to have, but you do not have the correct Vibration to align with them and reach them. If you wish to master this technique and go to higher frequencies or even live in them, then you have to think wise and high. Wise and high is to do good instead of harm, to think good instead of bad, be better version of yourself. Meditation is good to connect with higher and clean your thoughts. You need to understand the best way for you, there are people who do not engage with meditation, some even say that they feel tired to sit in lotus pose. You can lay down in bed and relax your body and meditate this way instead of lotus pose. Make your environment comfortable as you wish, but remember it has to be quiet place without noise or atleast with relaxed noise. You can use relaxing music or binary frequencies if it helps. Each individual has to find the best solution for him.
There are people who Vibrates differently, they see something that others cannot see. Eventually they all can see the same picture as others (all people are special), it depends on frequencies and vibrations they are stepping in, or using (how high or low they are going in). Beliefs are the big part of the frequencies and vibrations, if you still have old beliefs in subconscious mind and have no connection with the only Universe Law, One Creator (Source or God, it depends on you), then trying to change frequency and vibration consciously is useless. If some people have heard this topic (knowledge) and just want to gain something using harm consciously, they usually do not succeed what hey was planed, or succeed, but get a triple kick to a lower state. Remember, If you have Knowledge and you master it, then you own a package with responsibility as extra included. Those people who are not aligned with One Infinite Creator (basically people who do daily stuff and have no clue any of this, or they less care ), they shifting frequences and vibrations automatically, it’s like random things happening. Ofcourse small gap in this sentence- If you see these people who are not aligned, then, thats you who is not aligned (start with yourself), those who know the Law and are aligned with One Infinite Creator, they can shift on both directions consciously, (they can teach from higher frequency plane shifting on lower planes and returning back to higher frequency they are living in) it is free will. Lower vibration has all diseases and bad habits. Even the words can be good or bad, it depends how you are using them. Words are a tool for describing a picture or thought and the same is with numbers. That’s why we should think before we speak, when the word is out, try to take it back, Universe accepts all what you say, good or bad and then comes consequences (good or bad). THINK BEFORE YOU PLANT A SEED.
There is emotional vibration as well it is aligned with planet earth and with Ego. The emotional wave is one for all it depends on vibration for each individual separately, this wave is like a Financial Chart, only thing what is different is correlation, some fall some goes up, the same as your mood Normal, Good, Perfect or even Bad. You have heard Tesla’s 369 numbers, they can be useful in different way. Me personally like 396 it depends what I do. If you will take as an example, then explore your self: wake up, write dawn on paper the hour you woke up, then count 3 hours from that point (if you wake up at 6AM then it will bee 9AM). At 9AM there has to be a first emotional vibration point that can be used as good vibe or there already has manifested a thought that start growing. Next you count 9 hours from 9AM (it’s 6PM or 18:00) that’s when goes the high emotional vibration and can be used as a trigger to do or finish something important. Then count 6 from 6PM (it’s 0:00AM) that is the point where you enjoying the work you have made, or thinking the next big steps for continuum. You can choose 396, 369, 963 there are correlations in between that you can use also and enjoy with all versions in one day. You can change it if you work with your moods, it works for me. Remember, there can be good or bad vibe on this technique, it depends on your thoughts and what you have wish for to discover or learn.
This is small part from all.
We all are a part of a collective consciousness, we all are like piece of puzzle that has something, that we holding within.
It’s time to put pieces together and see the whole picture.