Ego is you and your physical that you are feeding every day. Feeding is in a many ways, as physically and mentally. When the feeding is in physical, it means that human takes everything he sees as needed or not needed. When it’s needed for ego, then it should be in way that is alined with stable Subconscious mind and should serve for the purpose, for fundamental reasons, because the mind generated this thought form with, cause to make effect or (physical action) with instrument that has manifested.
When it’s NOT needed for ego, then it is alined with unstable/unclean Subconscious mind and it serves for No Thing, usually there are things that human being is buying in store and have no clue why because there are plenty thoughts that are manifesting in autopilot. Well usually these things/instruments are set on side, because the ego needs are fulfilled and there is no rush for next steps.

 Even when you are eating and watching video or engaging with a radio in the meal time, all that you hear you eat, you feed your mind and Ego with daily programs.
If you are interested in your self development or investing in your self, you should start work on that NOW.
Well how does that work? Easy. there are a lot of lacks in humans minds, because 90% thoughts works on needs, that are less valuable for their life journey. Start with yourself, do not look on others, others that do something not knowing what are they doing. If you are accepting other peoples actions and do the same, it means that you infecting yourself. Start with small things, look on humans who has achieved the goals in their lives, infect yourself with the actions that they do, or make your own actions, but new in stead of using old habit’s.

 Remember, all works like program, everything you are hearing and seeing is a program, Radio, Tv even this article you read. It is important to influence yourself with healthy information and habit’s. Less Fear based information, healthier life and less stress.

 Everything is connected, even the Ego is connected with others. Well because when we are making connection with other humans we are sharing with our perspectives on life and experience.So it is like seed what we are giving to them, it depends on your status, you are aware of it or not. That’s why words are very important, what we are saying to each other and what is the narrative or intention for this connection. The Ego is you and all your environment. All people around is the mirror/reflection of your ego. Love yourself, make Ego better and love that Ego, because we are in physical environment and it is important to Love all around you. If human do not have Love for surrounded environment then he does something wrong, something that is not alined with his life purpose. When human does something he love he’s Ego is happy and all around him is perfect, perfect as he made it.

 How does we change our ego. There are infinite amount with you, out there in Densities. Imagine that one human being is standing in front of the mirror, he have a free will to make his day better. Crash the mirror or tell the mirror that he Loves him and will make this day perfect. Human in physical form is one persona as his knowledge and beliefs are alined with. So the Humans Ego has a infinite amounts of Persona or Personally. There is infinite amounts of situations and actions that are happening at once in current time and those actions makes personalities. You can connect with these personalities and take or learn the best from them. let’s make this way for more clarity.
Infinite on one side -10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 infinity on other side.

 You can decide where you want to live from 0 point to both directions is it + or – ,the same is with vibrations. Remember, there is no bad or good, it depends what is your way and goal in life. Infinite Creator, God, Source Loves everything and everyone, he have no judgement. Human is the biggest judge for himself and when he judge someone he judge himself.

 In short, there is a lot to say on this topic and others, there is explanation for everything, ask and you will receive the answers. We as a human and our Ego are the Instrument for environment that has made by higher. Even our mouth is instrument, when we eat and speak, those who can not speak they read and think cause that’s the same as speak and those who can not see they hear and think. Those who can not see ,can not hear and can not speak, they do not need any of it cause they think. Everyone is perfect in his own way.