This web site is made for two reasons.
One: sharing the information based on our belief about the constructive side of mental and physical activities in this world and universe so far as our mind can process information that is given by the higher forces.
Two: This website is made for you, that we can share the knowledge for more clarity how and why everything is made, why the All, is the way you see it.
All what you are reading and hearing is our state of understanding, how to visualize and describe the All, from our world to your world from information and discovery that is given by higher forces.
The music that we are sharing with messages, are the messages that comes from within and each of you will find the meaning of messages differently, the same way is with books, when you read them twice you read something new every time (why?). Because of vibration differences, what we will explain more in KNOWLEDGE section.
The music for each individual can be different, some prefer clasic or other gendre of music, well this is our gendre. You chouse, listen and read or just read or listen.
We are using AI tools to make some pictures for explanations more visually understandable when you read.
Remember question everything, loudly or quietly, there is no thing to fear! Ask and Universe/ The All/ God /Ultimate Power, however you wish to call Him, will answer.
We are grateful to share this information, make a trigger within you, to awaken your true divine spark and we wish to upgrade your with knowledge that is already inside and it was always with you.